Installing and maintaining static grounding reels
Mounting and Installation
All Static Safety Store heavy-duty grounding reels have the capability to be mounted on a multitude of angled surfaces thanks to the 4-position rotating guide arm which allows for cable payout in different directions in order to accommodate the setup.
Industrial-duty grounding reels can only be mounted on a horizontal or vertical surface since the cable payout can only be done in a straight “line of sight” manner as there is no guide arm.
In order to properly mount any of our static grounding reels, follow these steps:
1) If possible, choose a location that will allow the reel to be covered so as to shelter the it from dirt, rain, etc., in order to extend the longevity of the reel.
2) Clean and remove any paint and dirt from the mounting surface so as to ensure proper conductivity.
3) Bolt the reel to the mounting surface using the appropriate number of bolts (depending on the reel).
4) Test the continuity between the mounting reel and the surface using any resistance meter (e.g., multimeter). The resistance between the reel and the surface should be less than 5 Ohms.
All reels are sealed and therefore no access to the internal components is available and no maintenance to the internal components is necessary during the lifetime of the reel.
Below are the recommended steps that need to be taken in order to maximum the lifetime of the reel and guarantee optimal grounding performance:
- Add two or three drops of 30w motor oil on shaft at bearing surface every 2 – 3 months.
- Always walk the cable back to the reel during retraction wind-up. If allowed to wind-up unrestricted, the main spring may become damaged or broken. This may in turn cause severe damage to the assembly. (Not applicable for self-breaking and hand-wind reels.)
- Check that the grounding wire is securely connected to the frame of the reel. If the connection is loose, tighten it so as to ensure that static electricity is being dissipated.
- Check the connection between the grounding wire and the clamp being used, and ensure that the holding screw is securely attached. If the connection is loose, tighten it so as to ensure that static electricity is being dissipated.
- Regularly check that there are no kinks, extreme bends or cuts in the cables. These may affect conductivity and prevent static electricity from being transferred and/or dissipated between ends.